Want one change that will cause you to lose an extra five lbs a month without adding a single workout or requiring you to eat less?
Then read on and commit to the 5 week food swap!
Changing what we eat requires the same motivation, if not more, than increasing our physical exercise.
For some people, fitness motivation comes from feeling better, more confident, or even more focused. Others are driven by improved physical strength, endurance, or performance. Whatever the reason, it’s worth noting that swapping just one item from your daily diet and replacing it with a “SUPER FOOD” might double your speed to goal achievement.
Below we will outline 5 Super Foods to SWAP into your regular diet.
Try one a week for 5 weeks and the end result will change your energy level, improve your strength, and definitely have you shedding the lbs! In fact, this one change should make more difference than adding additional workouts.
Hear me out for a second…
Let’s say you already work out 3-6 hours a week. You could add one killer 800 calorie workout or you could find 800 less calories by purposefully swapping a routine snack or drink item for something more powerful.
Build up to swapping all five and you’ve decreased your weekly calorie consumption by over 4000 calories!
Given it takes roughly 3500 calories deficit to shed a lb of fat, these swaps equal roughly 5-6lbs extra lbs of fat loss per month!
Let’s look at 5 examples that achieve this!
1. Nuts and Seeds For A Snack
These are far higher in calories than almost any other snack. HOWEVER, they are far more filling and loaded with more essential amino acids, omega-3’s, and quality fiber than nearly any singular food item of equal volume. Nuts, seeds, and their little cousins below sprouts, are all the beginning stages of life. They are pack with essential nutrients needed to produce far greater outputs of food. Let’s say you like popcorn. We rarely eat the 1/3 a microwave bag of popcorn listed as a serving. We usually eat and possibly even think, a reasonable serving size is a bag. This is over 450 calories. Instead, eat a serving size of pistachios. Between slowing the snacking down by opening the damn things and in the amount the nuts fill you up vs popcorn, you will likely be satisfied and more full after the nuts. 1 serving size of pistachios is 170 calories of highly nutrition output. It would only take you 3 days of swapping here to achieve the 800 calories in the example.
2. S.M.A.S.H. FISH Instead of Red Meat or Processed Meat
Swap red meat for fish and consider the healthiest of all fish with the S.M.A.S.H. acronym. Salmon, or the s, is 140 calories per 100g vs that of beef which is 250 for the same weight. Let’s say you eat 200g as a serving. That’s a difference of 220 calories a day while boosting your nutritional value in amino acids. After just 4 days of swapping you are down another 880.
3. Eggs Quiche Instead of Breakfast Carbs
Grab and go breakfast bar? Maybe a muffin, poptart, or some other packaged and processed refined carb? Swap that poptart for 3 eggs. Highly nutritious and loaded with nutrients, 3 eggs cooked in a breakfast quiche with your favorite leafy greens, peppers, etc will net you less than 110 calories per quiche. Let’s say you eat 2 quiche instead of the 2 pop tarts that come packaged together( yeah we eat one initially but the other goes down the gullet at some point in small picks and bites). The two pop tarts in the package yields 420 calories. That’s a savings of 310 calories while also cutting a whopping 28 grams of sugar!
4. Chick Pea Over Pasta
Chick Peas are about as close as you can get to completely fulfilling the nine essential amino acids found in many of our meat proteins. They are just one essential amino acid short. Highly nutritious, highly filling, and rich in protein, the chickpea pasta swap might be the easiest of all to swallow. When not overcooked, chickpea pasta tastes so similar to regular pasta that I didn’t realize Michelle had made the swap for me one night. Pasta has 370 calories per 100 grams vs the 170 calories found per 100grams. 4 days of swapping and you are down another 800!
5. Blend In The Dark Leafy Greens
These aren’t my favorite to eat nor are they my favorite to cook with. However, add them to the grill or blend them with frozen fruits and now they are a little more palpable. Add your spinach or kale to the egg quiche or blender with some other favorite ingredients and you will fill yourself up with nutrients and fewer calories. Consider adding dark leafy greens instead of processed meat to your breakfast omelet or blender meal.
Call to Action:
Pick one swap from the list above. Grocery shop, plan your replacement and set the stage to start this for 7 days beginning this week. Rinse and repeat each week until you’ve successfully swapped 5!