Following is a list of foods from the Arthritis Foundation that are directly linked to inflammation.
Inflammation is the start of almost all chronic diseases and nearly every ache and pain. Swap out
these 6 foods and watch everything change in a few short weeks!
Sugar: Processed sugars can trigger the release of inflammatory messengers in your body called cytokines.
Trans fats: These can cause systemic inflammation. Even though they’re banned, trans fats can still be found in fast foods and some processed items. Check ingredient labels and avoid items with partially hydrogenated oils.
Omega 6 fatty acids: Your body needs a healthy balance of omega 3s and 6s, but most of us get way too much of the 6s, which can lead to inflammation. They’re found in salad dressings, mayo, and many vegetable and seed oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, and peanut.
Refined carbs, aka “white” carbs: White flour, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cereal, etc. can spike your blood sugar and lead to inflammation.
Alcohol: Studies show the more alcohol people consume, the higher their level of inflammatory markers in their bodies.
Processed meats: The methods used to prepare these meats create AGEs (advanced glycation end-products), which are linked to inflammation.
Now that you have the list, pick perhaps one or two items to start with. Changing too much at once is never the method for long-term results. Start with the item that might be easiest for you and mindfully note how you feel while eating it and after eating it. Pay attention not to how it tastes, but how you feel!
Start small, seek reward in the process, rinse, and repeat.
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