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  • 1 h
  • 20 US dollars
  • Harrison Avenue

Service Description

What makes this class different from all the others is that it's programmed, meaning each week builds on the last. These are strength classes that are intelligently designed and programmed to help each individual achieve their greatest human potential. You can expect conventional resistance training along with unconventional movements that keep your body guessing and progressing. These classes will challenge you to be faster, stronger, and more powerful each week. The ultimate goal of each class is to leave 1% better, striving as a group to be your best and create a Functionally Strong body that will allow you to enjoy the life you deserve!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel within 12 hours advance of the scheduled class time to allow others a chance to book that spot. You can cancel within the app yourself up to 8 hours prior to class start. After which if something urgent happens message us with one-off requests. Please know that if you don't cancel prior to 8 hours and fail to show up for a scheduled class that after one absence a qtr you may be subject to a $10 no show fee. This policy is meant to help those that plan to attend a chance to do so. It also helps instructors with class planning and should help promote accountability of booking/attendance.

Contact Details

  • MyFitness Suites, Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, USA

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